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Frequently Asked Questions


What payment methods do you accept?

Credit & Debit Cards:

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Our secure server encrypts all personal information to ensure any transaction you place with us is 100% safe. Megatop does not capture funds from your card until your order is ready to be shipped. If you use a debit card, your bank may hold your funds once your purchase has been pre-authorized during the checkout process. For more information on pre-authorization rules, please contact your card-issuing bank.

Before placing an order, please confirm your billing address provided matches the address that appears on your current credit card statement. Please note all orders placed with a credit/debit card are subject to address and payment verification.


Orders placed using this payment method are verified by and follow PayPal's terms and conditions. To pay via PayPal, simply select the "Checkout with PayPal" option at checkout. Please note that we require your shipping address to be confirmed by PayPal for all domestic orders and your account to be verified by PayPal for all orders before ordering. We only ship to the address on the transaction details page, if the address is under Seller Protection. We will not allow the shipment to be redirected to another address. We do not accept PayPal for backorder purchases.

In addition, there are certain items that may be restricted by PayPal and cannot be ordered using this payment method. If restrictions apply, this payment option will be unavailable during checkout.

Since PayPal requires authorization to be run before releasing your order to us, Megatop does not capture funds until your items are available and ready to be shipped.

You can also submit a payment via PayPal by sending the payment to Please make sure you reference your Quote or Order Number when submitting the payment so the funds may be applied correctly.

For Customers with established credit:

Megatops’s preferred method for Business Customer payment is via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)/ ACH, Wire Transfers, and business checks. Open invoices with Net Terms cannot be paid by credit card. If you wish to pay by credit card, select that option at checkout of your order.

Can I buy it now, and you bill me for it later?

We offer Net 30 terms. Please email your PO to Please fill out the Credit Application and have it returned completed with your bank and trade references to us via fax or email.

What are Net 30 terms?

Net 30 terms is a payment term we offer to qualified businesses to pay by check, wire, or credit card up to 30 days after the product ships. Business customers will be notified when payment is due with an invoice emailed to the email address stored in the Customer's account.

Do you accept Net Terms?

Yes, please email your PO to If you wish to apply for Net Terms before sending us a purchase order, please complete our Credit Application Form. If you need to download a copy of our credit application, please click here. Please return the completed application with your bank and trade references to us via fax or email.

How long does it take to get approved for Net 30?

Most approvals take approximately 1 - 2 business days. Sometimes, Net term approval can take longer depending on credit information or if additional credit references are needed. If you need the order processed quicker, you can pay for the first order with another payment method, such as a credit card. If items are back-ordered, we cannot order the units for you until we receive notification that Net 30 has been approved or another form of payment has been used. Please understand the approval process depends on how quickly your references return information to us. Should we have questions, our accounting department will contact you.

When will I get confirmation on my Purchase Order?

You will receive an email confirmation once your PO has been processed. Once you receive an email containing your sales order number, you can log into our website to check the status.

I am a Net 30 customer. Do I need to send a physical Purchase Order?

Yes. We need to receive your PO via email or fax. Having a PO confirms what is being ordered, the price of the items you are ordering, and where you would like your items shipped.

I cannot change a PO to reflect freight. What should I do?

Please have the purchasing agent whose signature is on the PO send us an email stating, “We accept the freight costs in the amount of $xx.xx. Please add to our PO#....”

Did you receive my Purchase Order?

Please allow 48 hours for your Purchase Order to be processed. You can then check the order status for the ship date and copy of your sales order. Should you not see your order online, please contact customer service at to confirm your PO has been received.

What is a pre-authorization hold on a card?

Please review the information below or contact your bank/credit card company directly to learn about their specific authorization policies.

Credit Cards

Before your item ships, you may notice a pre-authorization hold in the amount of your order on your credit card statement. This pre-auth is a temporary hold that typically lasts around five (5) days or until the post-authorization (settlement) comes through.

The pre-authorization validates the credit card number, available credit limit, and billing information to ensure that it matches exactly what the bank or credit card company has on file. At this point, your card hasn't been charged yet.

Once authorization is received, you may notice a decrease in your available credit line. Your bank or credit card company may hold this dollar amount for a specified period of time. Each financial institution has a different policy on the time of authorization holds. 

Please note that before authorizing the final sale, your bank may attempt to contact you for additional information.

Debit Cards

When it comes to a debit card, the total amount of the order is deducted from the available balance upon authorization. This temporary authorization will temporarily reduce your available balance by the due amount. Funds will be collected from your card once the order is shipped.

How to resolve a declined payment?

If your order has been placed on hold due to a payment decline, you can resubmit your order using another card or method of payment. 

Many credit/debit card declines arise from incorrect card information (e.g., incorrect card number or expiration date). Most declines are categorized by the card issuer as “generic,” so it is impossible to know exactly why a payment was declined. If all of the card information seems correct, it is best to contact your card issuer and ask for more information. For privacy and security, card issuers can only discuss the specifics with their cardholders - they cannot discuss this with Megatop.

When I ordered the product, I think you charged me before you shipped it. 

We authorize your credit card during the checkout process to ensure the card you provided is valid. You may see a pending charge from Megatop which is typically removed within a week. We cannot do anything to speed this process up. We do not collect any money from your credit card or debit cards for products that have not been shipped. If you have any issues with pending charges showing up, please wait a week and then contact your card issuer to ensure there is no delay on their end in processing the removal of the charge.

Why do I see charges on my account when my order hasn't shipped?

There could be a few reasons for seeing changes with your account even though the order has not yet shipped: 1) we have processed the order, captured the payment, and we have a delay in shipping the item. 2) If the item is out of stock or back-ordered, we authorized the card, and the authorization is showing on your account as a charge. This authorization usually lasts around seven (7) business days.

How secure is my financial information?

The financial information that you provide is securely communicated directly to Stripe. Megatop will not store your account information.

All billing information we receive is protected from unauthorized access by Stripe, Inc as per the latest PCI Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). Please see Megatop Safety & Security Policies for further details on our safety and security measures.

All personal information is encrypted by a secure server to ensure that any transaction placed with us is safe. To learn more about safety & security measures that provide a safe shopping environment, please see our Safety & Security Policies.

Why are there two charges on my card?

Credit Cards: 

When you place the order, a pre-authorization is taken on the credit card. Your credit card is charged as your order ships. The original pre-authorization, taken when your order was placed, was a hold to ensure the funds were available. The authorization will drop off anywhere from 5 - 35 days after the card is authorized, depending upon your financial institution’s regulations. Please contact your card issuing bank for their policy. 

Debit Cards: 

When a pre-authorization is placed on a debit card, some financial institutions may draft this from your account upfront.

Can I use more than one credit card?

Using multiple credit cards for one online order is not an option. Please contact us if you would like to use more than one credit card for payment.

Do you accept prepaid gift cards?

Currently, we do not accept prepaid gift cards.

Do you offer layaway?

We do not offer layaway currently.

Can I use two different payment methods for my order?

No, we do not accept more than one payment method per order unless one of them is government procurement cards. If you use a p-card, but it is not enough to pay for the entire order, please contact our customer service, and we will provide you a credit card authorization form to fill out or other payment methods to pay for the remaining amount.

Do you accept Diners Club?

No, at this time, we do not accept Diners Club credit cards.

I have a daily limit on my corporate card. Can you process the payment over several days?

Yes, please contact us to place the order and provide our Customer Service with your daily limit. We will run your card per your limit. Your order will be on credit hold until the card is run for the amount owed.

How to make a payment using PayPal?

Please submit your PayPal payment to Please reference your Quote or Order Number when submitting the payment so the funds may be applied correctly.

Do you accept cashier’s checks or money orders?

Please contact our customer service to pay for your purchase using a Cashier's Check or Money Order. Obtain the final dollar total of your order, including tax and applicable shipping charges from our customer service representative. Confirm that your cashier's check or money order is for the full amount of the order. Make the cashier's check or money order payable to Megatop, and include your Sales Order Number or a copy of your order. Mail your payment to the address provided by our customer service representative.

What if I am tax-exempt?

After your order is placed, please email your tax-exempt paperwork and Order number to Once the paperwork is processed, the tax amount will either be removed or refunded.

Can you apply a promo code and/or coupons to a quote?

We cannot apply a promo code to a quote, nor can we use coupons with volume discounts in the quote.