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Megatop Policies

Safety & Security

  1. Megatop takes all precautions to protect our customers' information. We implemented and kept updating a number of technological protection measures to ensure that when you submit sensitive information via our Site, your information is protected and secure.
  2. Submitting your order to the Megatop website is only allowed in a secure mode enabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. You may see a solid key icon or a locked padlock icon at the lower portion of your web browser window. This ensures that your private & critical information, such as your credit card number, your name, company name, addresses, and telephone numbers, are encrypted. Megatop protects and encrypts with the GoDaddy SSL certificate with strong SHA-2 & 2048-bit encryption in compliance with the US Government's National Institute for Standards and Technology's post recommendations for SSL root key strength.
  3. To make a payment, besides the name, shipping, and billing address, a customer is required to enter a card type, card number, and expiration date as well. The credit card information and personal and financial information are processed by the merchant bank for authorization and approval at the time the transaction is conducted. This process is protected by an enhanced security system.
  4. All of our user’s information is restricted in our offices, and only our employees are granted access to the customers' information. All our computers, servers, web servers, and database servers are located in a safe and secure area and protected by required software. Access to the database is strictly protected from outside. We monitor and restrict access with various firewalls and passwords. Our employees are trained and kept up-to-date on our security and privacy policies.
  5. Among the up-to-date benefits of easiness and security that we use is - one of the most popular payment processors/gateway. Practically all e-commerce software and online storefronts support the Gateway, which provides the complex infrastructure and security necessary to ensure fast, reliable, and secure transmission of transaction data. is committed to safeguarding customer information and provides the most secure and reliable payment solutions. dedicates significant resources toward a strong infrastructure and adheres to both strict internal security policies and industry security initiatives. They utilize industry-leading technologies and protocols, such as SSL certificates with strong SHA-2 & 2048-bit encryption, and are compliant with a number of government and industry security initiatives.